Walled garden
We have developed a landscape proposal for a neglected walled garden in rural Hertfordshire. Accompanying a home of exceptional architectural significance this site features breathtaking views.
The location holds significant heritage value, as it is part of a registered park and garden, adjacent to a Grade II* listed property.
The walled garden references the historical axial layout. The varying terraces include a, framed lawn, large scale perennial borders along with a beautiful reflective water pool. and deck. Multi stem Malus trees bring seasonality and echo the ‘productive’ past function of the garden.
Feature plants will include Pinus mugo, Miscanthus Yakushima Dwarf, Pennisetum macrourum, Meum athamanticum and Digitalis laevigata.
MAW Modern Architecture workshop
Our partners in the design team include:
Planning Consultant: Hughes Planning
Heritage Consultants: Bourne Heritage
Energy Consultants: MESH Energy
Visualisations: Strive
Landscape & Environment: HCUK
Archealogy: Abrams Archeology
Ecology / biodiversity: Arb Tech
Civial Engineer: Nimbus
Architect: MAW